

Preparing children for a faith-based life built on a strong foundation of academic excellence and personal character is the core of Redeemer Christian Academy. God is first in everything we do, and our teaching is based on the Bible. Students are taught and cared for by people who genuinely love the Lord.

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What really sets Redeemer Christian Academy apart is how each student is held to a high level of accountability. We teach students how to write a sentence, turn sentences into paragraphs and turn paragraphs into essays. Students learn fundamental math skills, so they don’t have to rely on a computer or phone. By turning in homework on time and receiving feedback on it from teachers, students are learning to be responsible and accountable. We believe students will use these skills throughout their life. Our low student-teacher ratio allows for teachers to focus on the gifts, talents and needs of each individual student.



The importance of showing others kindness, compassion, and love is at the foundation of everything we teach. Our teachers use classroom experiences to teach the impact kindness can have in someone’s life. Parents help make our school successful by volunteering in the classroom, after school and for special events. All of these activities create a close-knit, supportive community that is genuinely interested in each other’s well-being.

collaborative partnership

Parents and teachers work hand in hand in a collaborative partnership.
Teachers welcome parents’ thoughts and concerns to help nurture their child’s God-given gifts.