Children who are 5 years of age by September 1 can attend half-day or full-day Kindergarten. We have options for everyone!
Kinder (Half Day) l Monday -Friday l 8:05 - 11:15 a.m.
Kinder (Half Day) + 2 full days l Mon-Fri 8:05-11:15 + Tues & Thurs 8:05 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Kinder (Half Day) + 3 full days l Mon-Fri 8:05-11:15 a.m. + M, W, F 8:05 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Full Day Kindergarten l Mon-Fri l 8:05 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Lunch Bunch is available for half-day students 11:15 - 12:30 at the cost of $7.00 per day by prior arrangement with the teacher. This includes lunch and recess supervision. Hot lunch is an additional cost and must be ordered ahead of time.
Half-Day Kindergarten
Students are engaged in a developmentally appropriate, Christ-centered curriculum that includes:
Daily calendar and weather
Daily Jesus time including: Bible stories, Bible verses, singing and prayer
Balanced approach to reading instruction:
Intensive Phonics – Concise, orderly and logical step by step method of learning spelling, reading, writing and English including daily chalkboard work
Big books, emergent readers, chart poetry and sight words
Picture books, reading and writing centers
Hands-on math – Saxon math, worksheets and manipulatives
Introduction to D’Nealian handwriting (manuscript)
Daily physical activity and PE class including SMART activities and basic skills
Computer/library time
Chapel worship with all grades once per week
Large group instruction, partner learning
Field trips and theme days throughout the year (sometimes with their Chapel Buddies in the upper grades)
Bus transportation available for students who reside within the Wayzata School district
Full-Day Kindergarten
Students enrolled full days receive the half-day program plus:
Lunch (hot lunch available for purchase, or students may bring their own lunch)
Post-lunch outdoor or indoor recess time
Quiet time
Readiness training (SMART obstacle course) including floor activities, vision activities, balance activities, fine and gross motor activities all used to stimulate and enhance lessons learned
Science – Scott Foresman, including big books, picture cards and worksheets
Music – Each full-time student in grades K-3 is a member of the “Kingdom Kids” who practice and perform regularly throughout the school year at the care facility next door, at Redeemer Lutheran Church Sunday services twice per year, and at various churches in the surrounding communities. Performances include singing, playing instruments, and speaking roles.
Social Studies - Weekly Reader, story time and art activities