ways to give


Click the button to the right and designate to ”Redeemer Christian Academy.” Contact David Morley with any questions at dmorley@redeemerwayzata.org

Annual Auction

Stay tuned for details on our next Annual Auction.

SCRIP Gift Cards

Purchase popular gift cards from the school office. A large selection of gift cards at different values are available: coffee shops, restaurants, grocery stores, clothes, gas, home improvement and much more. The retailer donates a percentage of the value of the cards to Redeemer and there is no additional cost to you. If you purchase a $20 gift card it will cost you $20 and Redeemer will get a percentage of the total from the retailer. 


If you subscribe to amazon.com, upgrade your membership, at no cost to you to smile.amazon.com and choose Redeemer Lutheran Church as your charity. A portion of each purchase will go to Redeemer Lutheran Church and School. After choosing Redeemer all you have to do is remember to go to smile.amazon.com to make your purchases, which looks and works exactly like the amazon.com you have been using.

Boxtops for Education

Collect boxtops from General Mills and other participating manufacturer products and bring them in to your child's classroom or the office. Redeemer gets a check for all boxtop values collected. It is an easy way to earn extra money for school! View the list of participating manufacturers.

Corporate Matching Gifts

Many companies have a Matching Gift Program for approved organizations in which the corporation will match a specified dollar amount for a designated and approved organization. Please check with your employer to see if they have a Corporate Matching Gift program that could benefit Redeemer. 

Gifts of Securities (Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds)

Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds can provide special tax advantages. These advantages can include avoidance of capital gains taxes and a charitable deduction. Making a gift of securities that are held by your broker is relatively easy since they can usually be electronically transferred to Redeemer’s account. We also accept physical certificates as well.

Contact the office for more information at 952-473-5356.

Thrivent Choice

Eligible Thrivent members are designated Choice Dollars, based on insurance premiums, contract values and Thrivent Financial volunteer leadership. Choice Dollars can be directed to Redeemer Lutheran School. Print form to designate Redeemer Lutheran School. Peter Kabanuk is available to assist you at 952.475.3900 or email at peter.kabanuk@thrivent.com.

Annual Garage Sale

Redeemer’s Annual Garage Sale is one of the major fundraisers for our School and Church. The Garage Sale usually occurs in mid-August, with much summer preparation leading up to the sale itself. Our Garage Sale provides a great opportunity for the community to come to Redeemer and for workers to interact, not only in fellowship with each other, but also as hosts to people shopping the sale.

Annual Fund 

In order to build our financial resources Redeemer is seeking annual gifts from an expanded base of support that includes businesses and corporations with donation programs, local businesses, alumni, extended family members, and other outside sources. As Redeemer conducted a special appeal last spring to keep our ministry going, our Annual Fund will attempt to establish such an effort as a regular practice for support. Many private schools utilize annual funds as a source of 3rd party funding, especially to fund special needs like scholarships, technology, academic initiatives, facility improvements, and the like.